Friday, July 30, 2010

Vacation/Last Few in BSAS

Im leaving this wonderful country tomorrow to go back home. What a shame, I feel i am not done here, I pretty much did everything I wanted to do touristy wise, and I finished my semester here a while back, but I still feel that I am not tired of bsas. I can definetely imagine seeing myself living here, or atleast working here for a while. Schoolwise this semester ended up being tougher than imagined, but still I really enjoyed it. And as a whole experience i can honestly say the cliche line that these 6 months changed my life.
I am 20 years old and have my whole life infront of me, and I can do what I want with it. Buenos Aires seemed to break me down in the 1st few months, and then rebuild me up into more of the person I wanted to be: a more independent, open minded, braver, outgoing, curios, friendly, creative, bilingual person. It made me even thirstier for culture, which I believe is a great thing to have as a way to connect with people throughout the world. I realized thru this experience that anything is possible. 

The way I feel at home here, the friends I made, and the fact that I can actually understand people and have conversations makes me want to stay. I will return someday, I am not sure when, maybe to work, or maybe to visit, but I know that Buenos Aires hasn't seen the last of me. The Argenitne culture has grown on me, and in many ways became apart of me. I will bring it back to the states and add to our so called melting pot. I am ready to see where life will take me now.

Within the next week Ill write more about my trip and post pics, just wanted to get this out.

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