Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hola hola

It's been a while since I posted something here, but I guess that's because Nati isn't in Argentina anymore. I  can't believe it's been a year since I went over to the Southern hemisphere. We left Febraury 8th and started the trip off with Brazil: ) Many things have changed over the months, I had to get used to the yankee customs again, deal with the hustle and bustle of corporate America, and worry about the woes of school  and finding an internship. Even though I am not in  South America anymore, I continue to talk to my friends there, look for culture & diversity, drink my mate, and practice my Spanish. My memories of study abroad experience will stay with me forever. I like to share these with others who are genuinely interested. The stories and customs I talk about bring these fond memories back. I get sad every once and while when I think of my spontanous, always going, knowledge seeking, spanish speaking semester abroad. But at the same time, I feel blessed that I have had such a wonderful opportunity to meet AMAZING and explore their city. People over there were plainly different than me, but they accepted me into their culure, and it slowly became a part of me. Argentina took me as its own, and I was said that I developed Portena characteristics (for good or for bad, we'll leave that up in the air...) It has made me realize travel is easy and more feasbile than before. I am open to trying new things and look for new experiences. I like to think that I have shared Argentine customs and manners with family and friends, and that I have taken what I love about the country back home with me.

After being back for 6 months, I still feel the same way about that place as I did on that tearful plane ride home. These past months had me considering my career A LOT. I have a more realistic and wholesome perspective on life and what I want to do with it. Marketing and International Business is what I like because it interests me. Plain and simple. I tried all along to like Accy and Fin because jobs are a bit more stable there, but you have to love your major. It's what's going to make me smile every morning when I wake up and feel like I'm doing something with my life. I will graduate in May 2012 with a bachelors in Marketing and International Business, and Minor in Spanish. I finally figured out my major, but I'm working on what I exactly want to do with it. 

There is a saying that the journey is half the battle. I like to think this journey is infinite, no beginning and no end, all in the experience.


  1. I'm plannign to go with some friends to Argentina, the idea is toy stay in my uncle's buenos aires apartments, so well... any recommendation you think we should kknow, that would be grreat (because my uncle, the one who lives in Argentina... well, he's really not that nice!)

  2. Hey Jessica,

    I'm excited you are going to Buenos Aires, good choice:) As you can see, I'm in love with the country and had an amazing experience! How long are you going for? It's nice that your uncle is letting you guys stay at his place, I hope its close to el microcentro (heart of BA). I recommend all the places I visited (Read my blog:)I know its a lot- but i was pretty detailed- ask if you have questions on any of it. Off the top of my head Plaza de mayo (thurs i think at 3pm las madres walk around the plaza-pretty cool to see), Caminito en la Boca, do all the "touristy" places cuz their cool, and visit all the barrios they have thier own personality. I suggest checking out of course the obelisko, the free museums- and the ones you only have to pay a few pesos for, the boliches, bars, cafes with cafe con leche & a parilla (grill) yum! la ferria de matederos, Parque Centenario en Caballito on the wknd! go to a futbol game (Racing was my fav team mostly cuz my friend is obsessed with them-please go with an Argentine to be safe)!! Bomba del tiempo, visit as many parques and plazas as you can- they are all pretty and different esp Palermo's park, jardin japones, omg there is really a lot to do lol. I would suggest using couch surfing too and ask people if they would like to show you around the city- I loved the csers in bsas:)

    Let me know if you want my email? Hope this all helps!:)
