Friday, April 9, 2010

This week

This week was intenso! I finally went to all my classes this week, and I’m liking them so far! i really like my cuento latinoamericano contemporaneo class- have to present next thurs tho! my marketing class seems cool- i really like the teacher-hes really animated, and i have 3 friends in my internatl mkt class that r super cool!, and my castellano class seems really good- we are reading a novel and practicing much needed grammar. As for my geografia class- Im not sure if I will be in it, or have to switch to another class, because of a cupo (a cap on how many intercambios-me- can be in a class

: (

I have 2 classes that end at 10pm, yikes, so I come home starving, and my host mom is heading off to bed, ha. This past Wednesday I went to my 2nd Tango class and I loved it, even though there was no one else under 50 there. Haha, my companero was named Luis (which looked like Robin Williams- no joke- I was going to tell him- but decided tango steps were complicated enough to communicate) and we were both beginners so we were seperated and given easier/beginning instructions. tango is a lot of fun, but really tough to get down. You need good balance- which I don't have, be good with your feet, and you have to be comfy with people in your privacy bubble.

Today I went to a meeting with CEPNA- the organization that works with Indigenous people. I'm really excited to get to know the poeple with this organization and get to talk to indiginos, teach them my culture and some English, as well as learn about their culture. I've already been learning a lot from Rosalia and Fernando (heads of CEPNA) about indigenous poeples in Argentina and in the Americas.

I plan on making a cake tomorrow for a friends' birthday and going to watch independent films sat and sunday for BAFICI- International independent film fest ;) should be fun!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey!! im glad to hear you're getting involved in so many fun things :) :)
    you must be BUSY!
    but yea, thats how I remember you anyways.
    we baked 2 good things for easter and yea, we'll have to do more when you're back
