Saturday, February 20, 2010

2nd Day Carnaval ( Sat)

We went to the Copa beach, and I unfortunately got burnt on my back : (- just started peeling today, almost a week later). So many people on the beach! But it didn't ruin the view...

Met up with Michelle(Uof I), Jenny (from UofI), and Nicoli to go to a Bloco in Botafogo. We met up with some other Carioca (Person from Rio) friends of theirs and were taught how to Samba! I'm really bad though- I don't move my hips or my arms- don't know how I'm going to do tango! But it was fun. There we experienced many harmless cat calls and 'ficar'- the act of Cariocas, both male and female trying to get as many kisses (beijos) from the oppposite gender as possible. We were also called gringas so many times and stared at constantly, but hey it was all good fun. We even started to pick them out too!

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