Saturday, February 20, 2010

Friday and Sat

I arrived back in Indiatuba, Brazil Friday early. These past 2 days have been pretty relaxing and chill. Friday I skped, watched the olympics- finally understand curling now- ha, went for a 25min run!, and went out for pizza. Today we went swimming a suntanning for most of the day, brushed up on some Spanish, had coffee and some really good Italian chocolatey bread and conversation with Marta and her husband (JOana's aunt and uncle), had a model shoot with Joana- she loves to take pictures, and we went for dinner and drinks with joana, Gabriel (her bro), Bruno (her bf)- we were gonna go clubbing, but everyone else wanted to eat instead of dance. Ha! It was a fun night. But I am wiped out! We have to catch a bus early tomorrow to go to Sao Paulo, to meet Bea- Nora's friend, and then Monday we head to BA 4 orientation!

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