Saturday, February 20, 2010

6th Day in Rio (Wed)

We woke up fairly early and went to this pretty lake- which now the name escapes me- but its in the shape of a heart! We also had a date with Jesus later that day... we went to see the Cristo! The usual crew of Gabriel and Christene joined us on our adventures to see Rio's trademark. Cristo was pretty cool, but the view from atop of the mountain was incredible! See for yourself. We had to take tthe metro to catch a bus to buy our little tram ticket, get to the base, and walk up some stairs until we got to the top... but we made it, thanks to Gabriel. In the pictures you can see the Heart shaped lagoa (lake), the famous massive soccer stadium, Niteroi (across the ocean from Rio, also where Gabriel lives), the Favelas, Copa and all the other towns, cathedrals, and much more!

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