Saturday, February 20, 2010

3rd Day of Carnaval (Sun)

We went to Praca XV for another Bloco, after getting lost after taking a bus. We ended up 2 towns over, and had to take a taxi- which ended up taking us forever cuz we got stuck in traffic (the traffic was from the Sombodromo floats- see pics) we tried to meet up with another CS (couchsurfer) but her friend fell ill, and we were unable to meet up. But we found the Bloco anyway, and the energy there was amazing! We were on the steps enjoying ourselves with the others. We then were heading back to Copa, then everyone said there was going to be a good Bloco in Ipamena (really nice beach popular to Cariocas). So we took the metro (our best transportation friend) there. This was by far the best Bloco because we were so close to all the action. There were amazing dancers, singers, and fun there. We then met up with Gabriel and Christine and Jared (student from UofI) and went to Lago de Machago for some great music.

We then went to Lapa (town that never sleeps) after dinner. We danced some more here and went to the famous steps that Snoop Dog shot his video (Beautiful-Snoop with Pharrel). Now its famous for its scenery and a suppposedly many people get high here. We also met Victor, Gabriel's friend and his friend Paula. Victor hung out with us till 4 in the morning, he taught us how to Gringo-hunt. Ha! Ya we kinda sucked at it. We then went to catch the metro, because we suck at taking the buses- and it was closed! So we chilled in Lapa some more and waited till the metro opened at 5am.

We then figured we would just stay up till sunset (6:30am). So we chilled on the beach till sunset and met Marcos, a very interesting Carioca, who just plopped down beside us with a drink in his hand and began to speak Portuguese. Ha! It was an interesting 'conversation' we had. He kept pointing to his empty ring finger and to us, we ended up having a sand fight, and we let him try our 'bad water' to make sure we were correct.... ha that's Carnaval for you. We then took our bad water back to the store we got it from and demanded our 2.25 reis back. i really don't know how we got our $ back, but we were pissed and kept saying AGUA NO BEM. Ha, we were proud of ourselves for that one. We then headed back at 8am for a few hours of much needed sleep.

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