Saturday, February 20, 2010

5th and Sadly last day of Carnaval

Woke up late again and ghetto-style cooked our lunch- there was no pan, and we had leftovers we were dying to eat. See the pic. We spent a lot of time at the beach again, and didn't get burnt. Yay! We then went to our final Bloco in Lapa where we munched on Pipoca (popcorn thats really sweet- 10x better than carmel popcorn!) and tried not to get hit by either firecrackers or these crazy people dressed in big clown suits running around with balls kinda like num-chuks and whiping them at the ground at each other. Crazy! This bloco was tamer compared to the rest, I think everyone was worn out from the frivilities of the last few days. We were also pretty tired, so we headed back early and went to sleep around midnight that night to the sounds of a nice nearby bloco in Copa. Zzzz....

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